Install Elasticsearch 5.6.0 on Windows Operation System (Guide)

Hongyuan Qiu
3 min readMay 20, 2021


This article will install an older version of Elasticsearch (version 5.6.0, released on September 11, 2017) on Windows 10 Home, version 2004. An older version of Elasticsearch may be required in some projects. Let’s start the installation step by step.

New versions of Elasticsearch, like 7.12.1 (released on April 27, 2021), can be downloaded with or without JDK (Java Platform, Standard Edition Development Kit). If you download the Elasticsearch with the JDK, you don’t need to install Java yourself.

Elasticsearch is built using Java, and includes a bundled version of OpenJDK from the JDK maintainers (GPLv2+CE) within each distribution. The bundled JVM is the recommended JVM and is located within the jdk directory of the Elasticsearch home directory.

Elasticsearch-7.12.1 has jdk directory:

Elasticserch-7.12.1 jdk directory
Elasticserch-7.12.1 jdk directory

Elasticsearch-5.6.0 does not have jdk directory:

Elasticsearch-5.6.0 does not have jdk directory
Elasticsearch-5.6.0 does not have jdk directory

If you need to use an older version of Elasticsearch like myself, we need to make sure Java is already installed. Its version should be 11 or higher.

You can download the (JDK) from Oracle.

The Oracle JDK License has changed for releases starting April 16, 2019. New license of Oracle Java SE permits certain uses, such as personal use and development use, at no cost — but other uses authorized under prior Oracle JDK licenses may no longer be available. Please review the terms carefully before downloading and using this product.

The downloaded Java SE version is 16.0.1. Run the executable file to install Java on your Windows OS. The installation is straightforward.

Installation step 1
Installation step 1
Installation step 2
Installation step 2
Java SE installation completed
Java SE installation completed

Now, we can check the version of Java by running the java -version command in the command prompt (CMD):

Check Java version in command prompt
Check Java version in command prompt

Since Java has been successfully installed, we can move on to install the Elastisearch (5.6.0). Other past releases of Elasticsearch can be found over here.

After extracting the downloaded Elasticsearch file, in the CMD, go to the bin folder of the Elasticsearch file.

Structure of the Elasticsearch-5.6.0

Type elasticsearch.bat and enter to start the server:

Type and enter elasticsearch.bat in command prompt
Type and enter elasticsearch.bat in command prompt

I had a problem like below when trying to start the server (without problem for 7.12.1):

Problem detected
Problem detected

To solve the problem, I tried to change the jvm.options file located in the config folder by following this solution:

The solution I followed when install Elasticsearch 5.6.0
The solution I followed when install Elasticsearch 5.6.0

The successful running of the server in the CMD looks like this:

Output in the command prompt
Output in the command prompt

Now we can open the web browser and type http://localhost:9200 to check whether the server is running or not:

Output in the web browser
Output in the web browser

A message like this indicating the Elasticsearch is running on the computer!

We successfully install and run an older version of Elasticsearch on Windows 10 Home during this simple guidance. Happy coding 😊.

